pirates of the Caribbean 6 release date | Cast | Jack Sparrow in back Disney 2024

 Pirates of the Caribbean Film series  

Upcoming Movie 🍿

Pirates of Caribbean:A Day At The Sea

Director By : Joachim Ronning

Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow is wanted for a Pirates of the Caribbean 6 return by Disney, yet there's a trick, as per another report.
Following the 2017 arrival of Privateers of the Caribbean: The quietest man is a dead man (Salazar's Vengeance in the UK), plans were in the air for another film.

Johnny Depp had needed to give an affectionate goodbye to his much-cherished Commander Jack Sparrow in Pirates 6.

Releasing: mind or late 2025

As per regarded and dependable scooper Daniel RPK, Disney is supposedly taking into account getting back Depp as Jack Sparrow Privateers 6, however it would just be in a supporting job.

This proves with MyTimeToShine's release last month that the film's lead will be a female Haitian. This scooper added: " Additionally they truly do believe Johnny Depp should return only not as the lead."
As per regarded and dependable scooper Daniel RPK, Disney is purportedly thinking about getting back Depp as Jack Sparrow Privateers 6, yet it would just be in a supporting job.

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